Sunday, 11 September 2011

Ahhh, summer, it's our favourite day of the year

There is no denying it, the short, cold summer is officially over and most of the garden is beginning to turn brown.

However, there is still a bit of colour in Harbill's garden, mainly created by certain flowering stalwarts such as our beautiful Aster:

The Scabius is still going strong and is perhaps our longest serving flower.

Our garden's attention seeker, the Dahlia, is looking resplendent at this time of year but it is rather lonely (we only have one). Perhaps it should stop showing off and it might make friends.

And the sweet-peas just keep 'buggering on'.

Having looked at all these flowers you might believe it is still summer, until you see what else is going on in the garden.

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Most Things Great... are small

This Turks Turban is currently about the size of a football

We have realised this year, that big is not necessarily best. Whilst we are feeling rather proud of our swelling squash:

l-r: Choggio di Marni; Acorn; Turks Turban
and the runner beans taste just as good at any size:

we have found that the cucumbers are at their most succulent picked small, that the courgette are at their best picked at about the size of Billy's finger (not Harriet's) and that the carrots are sweetest as babies.

Purple Haze carrots - these are not quite as nice as Atlas carrots