Monday, 13 May 2013

Harbill's Garden: The Return. This Time it's Perennial

We're back.

This time last year, we were writing about our broad beans and potatoes which were flourishing. This year, all we have planted are broad beans and potatoes and they are scarcely showing.

But let's focus on the positives. There are a few more permanent things that are doing quite well in our garden:

The bulbs that we planted last autumn have been a success: We have tulips in red, white and pink/purple (the Harbills cannot agree on the colour of the one below).

And a multitude of daffodils

We also planted some daffodils in our new border that was created last year, which should look stunning when the oxe eye daisies come out.

And no, the little chap that you see in the bottom corner is not a garden gnome. It's Ferdy, another perennial we grew last year...